Survivor IMDb 52: Halloween Harvest
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Pre-Season Application: HarleyStodden

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Pre-Season Application: HarleyStodden Empty Pre-Season Application: HarleyStodden

Post by xsourxgumxrocksx Fri 6 Sep - 12:27:54

Survivor application

from HarleyStodden » 2 days ago (Tue Sep 3 2013 11:21:31) Delete | Reply
IMDb member since August 2011
1. What makes me want to play? Hmm well partially I've got some free time to perhaps give it to a game for a little bit. Also, my last game was a mystery game and I completely lost touch with myself and actually felt dreadful by the end of it. So I kind of want to garnish some respect back before I jet off in a bipolar rush again.

2. I think I have a level headed approach. I mean, I don't think I have many bonds with people on the board so I form alliances without any emotion. However revenge is always probably my weak point, if you try to screw me, I will come back for you. I guess im rational because I do think about every move until execution.

3. It really depends. At the start of the game, I play to go far. However when that end point becomes closer I start to play to win. Which shows because I tend to become a lot more aggressive in the final weeks of the game (which can sometime confuse/anger the other players)

4. Drama, drama, drama. I think it's fair to say, I do usually have at least one argument in a game. However that is usually just if it is generally involving me. I do not get involved in any other drama, and If I do it's often to just give a level headed outsiders opinion on the situation.

5. How am I going to win? Well that would be telling. You cannot have a whole plan on how you are going to win a game, not ever. You need to learn the casts strengths, friendships and weaknesses. That's when you can decide how your approach that MAY win you the game.


Posts : 231
Join date : 2013-09-04

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